2014-09-19 - WOD and Birds


~11 miles @ ~11 min/mi

"Birds!" From the darkness a small flock of big crows explodes around Kerry's head as she brushes beneath the tree hanging over the sidewalk and disturbs their slumber. Instant Hitchcock movie!

It's barely after 6am, under a waning moon. Kristin and Kerry and I are trying a new route to the W&OD Trail, via neighborhood streets. We take a wrong turn seeking a bridge across Pimmit Run and discover ourselves in somebody's back yard. Oops! Backtrack and try again a block later. The Drs K clear spiderwebs for me on the proper path.

We approach Idylwood Park and Kerry says, "I know who lives here!" It's a family acquaintance from her kids' soccer games in years past. We join the W&OD near milepost 8, close to the eastern turnaround from Friday's run a fortnight ago. Bicycle commuters blitz past, some with friendly "Good Morning, Runners" and "On your left!" polite warnings, others silently surprising us.

We pause to drink from the fountain just after the bridge over Route 7. I test it and confirm the spritzing phenomenon that got Kerry a wet face on our 2014-09-17 - WOD Water Fountain journey. Teenagers on their way to school edge us off the sidewalk along Westmoreland Rd. Runkeeper records route and pace.

^z - 2014-10-05